Friday, May 10, 2013

The British newspaper "Daily Mail" is ironic too bad with PAF Qereti Albanian singer, who recently included in an article of its own, making fun of her words to Prince Harry.

Journalist Richard Kay wrote: If his romance with Cressida Bona does not work, it can be directed elsewhere.

Qereti PAF is a 33-year-old singer who counts Prince of Monaco, Albert and stylist Roberto Cavalli as friends. Even Donald Trump calls it "the most famous person who has ever met" when they crossed eyes five years ago.

PAF is visiting London recently and read in its pronouncements as saying: "Our Prince Harry and have many mutual friends and they have told me everything," said PAF, adding: "I think that is very charming and I hearing that is less than the wild ". P.K
There is a tension and powerless to change the destiny of politics in Bangladesh. Charges that the electoral system produces patronage and lack of personalities is already proven. All personalities wiped Berisha's Democratic Party and replaced with employees of boy and girl, while Rama, his style, exercised the same personal power. We can not say that there was a reaction to the political battle or, on the contrary had two extremes. A minority party deputies, who revolted and threw in another camp, and a party that used this opportunity to express loyalty to the party, which also resembles something abnormal.For this reason, in Albanian politics today are at least 20 members who are forced Berisha and Rama, in a way. Berisha was forced to put on the list at least some members of the left, if you start counting from wars Xhuveli Rescue Idris, three of the last Socialists, Kadeli, Islam and Dogjani, two candidates split the gain, Nard Ndoka, and some critics its joluajalë as Shehi. The list can be listed and critics of former Berisha, Pollo, Ruli, Shehu, eager to slide foot. Even the left-wing coalition is a similar list that includes people of SMI and several candidates Rama, who provided evidence that not many wondering if he did not meet the requirements.The debate that has existed to date is that this species has lost meaning deputies elections, democracy and political rotation, but in the current conditions, it is they are turning to the only political value instead. And the first began to evaluate commercial trends themselves of these members is the candidate for prime minister, Edi Rama. In a statement on his first day, he has indicated that many of the members of the Berisha will return after June 23. Media commented that as diversion and Berisha ran out Dogjani Islam and express loyalty to him. In fact, neither one nor the other is useless. This race is really the only MPs mover in Albanian politics, because thanks to this breed Berisha's ruling today by members of the Socialist Party in 2009, and Rama hopes to achieve a constitutional majority is with these MPs.Is there room here for a moral debate? I think not. Now not only citizens, but political leaders themselves, in case Berisha and Rama are focused and speak only to the category of politicians. They are correct, faithful, loyal and jets no longer have any political value. Overestimation that is being done this political category, leads us to the era of political bargaining and giving political power, political statues not normal, but their deformation. All hope not represent the policy of the votes they received, but the terms governing the taking of another party. And since it is now back in philosophy, political hope this category, so this bearing between Rama and Berisha, bring us progress, or Rama or forcing Berisha, who then have the chance to win and get the rest and that catch a constitutional majority to change the rules of the game, running back to normal Albanian politics, in an electoral system where votes represent the citizens and not shopping.I have hope that this success will be achieved by intellectual debate in the country, as seen after he has died. There could be achieved by civil society, because it did not ask me one. There has to be reached by the media as it already is in clinical death.The only active force alive and viable is the category of MPs who are forced Rama and Berisha be members and who have proved they can do shopping with their mandate. Berisha and Rama is precisely this category daily praise and we hope that those who curse every day, may be our salvation. It is a paradox that Berisha and Rama himself invested to increase values ​​by buying her lure each other, but apparently nobody can take off his consciousness. There are 24 hours to talk to them as heroes and others spoken of as numbers. I did not expect us so soon become necessary, but it happened. So do not rush to revile, while our leaders are courting.
Albanians have innate talent for learning foreign languages​​, in this case kinezçen. For Sali Berisha, Prime Minister's proposal that students learn Chinese as a second foreign language, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Bangladesh You Hao argues that it is not difficult for Albanians. According to the Ambassador reasons, because Albanians are accustomed to kinzeçen as many citizens living in China today Tirana and Albania on the other hand have studied enough in China in 70 years that Albania had good relations with this country.

"Learning Chinese Albanians is not as difficult as you think. Shqiatarët have a talent deserved and can speak three or four languages. When I arrived in Albania Albanian I met many who could speak Chinese. Then in the 70s many Albanians have been studying in China and have mastered the language very well "said the ambassador.

But why Chinese language school in Albania? Ambassador said that this question should occur for three reasons. "Some of the reasons are: Albania needs Chinese investment. Chinese enterprises investing abroad in Albania and they face the problem of language. Invesitorëve cares to pay the proper translation of this language. The other reason is that the country needs to attract Chinese tourists. Albania is rich in tourist resources and in this case there is no guide to these tourists to give information on the site. The last reason given is the need for Albania to become familiar with the developments of China because China has spent many years on the development process and in this case Albania aspires to integrate into the EU needs to experience a large country like China "has added further Chinese ambassador
The first meeting with a man you went wrong? Simply, what happened? Love ultimately requires above all someone that can correspond with you in future, a possible relationship in pairs. But surely that is not easy to be found, if it would be found to all the men who have come out at least once.This means that there is an ugly thing: if a "harassment" does not go well until the end, there should not be qahemi to us to be the fear that not only remain for all time.After the first meeting that you do not go well, if love is what we want in life, it will take time for us to think. Finding the perfect man is not easy, for this would be a good idea to come to understand deeply what they would like to have a burre.Ne're actually not very demanding: there is no perfect man (and woman perfect), but there is one that makes for you, that makes it ndjejehesh wife and makes day to day happy in your report.And something else what can we do to find new friends and you dedikoheni personal interests: the happiest couples are in fact recognized by practicing the same things for your free time? Love can be so close, but we should not be obsessed with research, the better you dedikoheni something you prefer, challenging fate, will be the one who will decide if it is time for lovers or jo.Nje concert a sample art, a reading, cinema, these are places and events where you will meet a man for a connection which can zgjasi.Por and must always remember that not enough a glance, are not all that shines.All in search of an ideal husband can slip your mind and hapur.Nuk is said that a man is just such nice on the surface, just like an athlete is obsessed only with the care of his body, not The also said that you can not laugh at an intellectual. No man likes to be viewed through prejudice, that is the best way to offend someone.
Performing sexual intercourse is a necessity for human well-being. A study in the United States of America has issued 237 reasons why the opposite sexes should have sex. An expert from the University of Texas has done in-depth analysis of the reasons why two people of opposite sexes should go to bed together. He explains in the manuscript "Archives of sexual behavior" that çësjtja is very complex, yet he has managed to show kryerore four reasons why sex. Among these reasons are also listed other nënarsyet, which are as stated above, 237.

1. Physical and psychological reasons, sex reduces stress.

2. For a family, the desire to make love is the coming into being of a child.

3. There are emotions and love you for the person.

4. Reasons based on uncertainty, as for example the fear of losing the partner.
After years of debate and propozimsh, UEFA has decided to open the gates to achieve a Champions League Under 19 (for young people under the age of 19). Will be called 'UEFA Youth League' (Uefa League of Youth) and will start for the first time in the 2013-2014 season instead of Nexten Series (championship next generations).

Kampiontit structure will be similar to that of the Champions League, but never officially recognized. Maggiore 32 teams in the Champions League qualifying, will have the opportunity to record in the league, their youth, and calendar dates will correspond with the official's Champions League.

The competition will be divided into two major championships as part of the same elite clubs. From September to December will take place in the group stage matches. Until February 2014 qualifying matches will be played direct, and then following the kampioati as adults. Classifications first and second t, unlike the official championship, will be accessed by singles matches. Semifinals and finals will be played on neutral field.

There are many wonderful reasons why anyone should read a book. The experience of reading a story is much different than seeing it performed by actors of the TV or the big screen. How are young read more but growing have less time to read. Try find time to read in bed before sleep and will come out from the feel that it lacked the relaxing experience of reading the book. So read 7 reasons why it should be read and then grab your favorite book, prepare yourself a hot tea and start to read!
1. Stimulates the imaginationTo everyone likes to see us TVN and movies for one of the best reasons to read the book is that you use your imagination to describe the characters and their surroundings. By thanked the author of the book you already have some descriptions of characters, but your thoughts and perceptions create the environment and other key players in the story was discussed. No matter how young or old you are, it is always important to have an active imagination and reading any book interesting is the safest way to stimulate your mind!
2. Getaway offersIf you're passing in a difficult situation, you have a bad day or feel depressed, mind be lost in a book is a good way of leaving the mind of trouble for a while. This happens because the focus on the creation of circumstances and characters in the book and for a moment forget the troubles that preoccupy. It is interesting that if this does not work TVN around but when we lost to easily read the book in the book and the mind freed from all troubles except the story I read in the book.
3. InformationI know that the Internet made it easy to find the information you wish but I have to say that the things you learn by reading a book are left with just (in memory) for years, unlike those who have understood the Internet whenever I have to learn something. Although it will not pull up searching new information online, nonetheless I know that the information will remain longer in my mind if I read the book.
4. Enriches vocabularyThose of you who read regularly usually have a rich vocabulary than those who rarely read. So if in the future, dreaming to become a writer or speakers plublik (often dalesh the public), store your vocabulary is very important to be rich. The enriched vocabulary for them to be read so that only manages to learn new words and phrases. Of course you encounter ndodhru the words we have not heard before but the context of the sentence helps you understand the speech demethenien unknown and thus begins not use in everyday conversation.
5. Books are often better than the movies based on themThere are exceptions to this but most of the books are always better than the movie was made based on them. This is because the film is mostly 2 or 3 hours to tell the whole story. While the book is much taller and more likely to describe more details and developments of the situations and characters. I tried this when I read the book "The Davinci Code", when I saw that movie noticing more details in the book missing in the movie.
6. SilenceYou can read almost anywhere without impeding someone else around you. Can read in bed without waking anyone else have it, you can read in public transport, bus, tram, train and plane ... not the car did not try to match. Reading is a good way of passing the time without hindering someone else.
7. Encourages othersIf you're a mother, sister, scrape, aunt, cousin, friend or teacher, when reading someone else is there observes everything he is doing. If you see that you are reading this will encourage them to do the same. Reading has the ability to move a long way and today handles more children and adults are not sufficiently encouraged to read for pleasure and believe that reading is just for homework and something that necessarily required of them. By reading tells you that reading is fun and so can you do to shut TVN and read some more.Reading is a form of entertainment that is often overlooked. In no way do I suggest that we should turn off TVN forever and not see the movies. All I wanted to say in this article is to be read more books to revive imagination. What are your reasons for reading, which of these you mentioned to like?

Are we on the verge of a third world war?
The first signs of the Second World War were numerous conflicts between European states, the collision of interests of states and major weapons production. Like in the verge of
the Second World War there are many conflicts between Muslim countries and the USA’s, and North Korea’s USA, Serbia and Kosovo, Greece and Macedonia,
Russia and America, Israel and Iran and weapons production is not missing even nuclear ones. These are pretty clear indication that the world may be on the verge of a third world war that could begin with the slightest of pretexts. But as Einstein said when he saw the power of his nuclear bomb “If there will be a third world war the fourth will be with rocks and wood”. A third world war will lead humanity to extinction.

The state of Colorado is the power of a strong storm, U.S. media reported Tuesday. Meteorologists only within half an hour recorded in the sky over 2,500 lightning.
In the state capital, Denver, as a result of storm closed all educational institutions and offices of companies. Denver International Airport (Denver International Airport) are canceled at least 20 flights.
Bad weather also caused power outages in the state. In mountainous areas, as expected, snow precipitation may fall up to 50 cm.

Last week, Samsung has introduced a new model of its smart phone, the Samsung Galaxy Mega, which is available in different versions, in that the screen of 5.8 inches and 6.3 inches in another.
Apparently, Samsung is Samsung Galaxy Mega expected to be a device of its famous, after the company said it expects to sell more than 1 million units per month Mega.
Samsung Galaxy which has 6.3 Mega HD screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, has a dual core 1.7 GHz processor and 1.5GB of RAM and a choice of 8GB or 16GB of memory, microSD port to which you can expand the memory to 64GB .
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8, has qHD screen with a resolution of 540 x 960 pixels, dual-core 1.4GHz processor and 1.5GB RAM