Wednesday, May 8, 2013

 World Climate Council presented Saturday in Valencia, Spain the fourth and final report on climate.

Nearly 5,000 scientists and experts attending the launch of the latest report on climate, while delegates from nearly 150 countries adopted the "summary for policy makers". Not negotiated, but approved, said council chief global climate, Raxhendra Paçauri (Rajendra Pachauri): "This is a paper written by scientists and bottom are the authors of this report, they will accept or reject comments governments. As the report will address who makes the decisions, scientific facts should be presented in such a way that they are accepted by these people, who are responsible for making decisions. This has not to do with the negotiations. "We are experiencing climate transformation caused by humansWhich does not mean that the voting process sometimes not sometimes turn into torture. Needed until late evening sessions or even up in the morning to 23-page summary prepared. Its message is clear: we are witnessing a transformation of the climate caused by people, perhaps the majority of which is caused by greenhouse gases. Rising temperatures may weaken to some extent, but not at present.The consequences will depend on the strength with which to fight global warmingPossible scenarios outlined by the World Climate prove that the reduction of greenhouse gases is an important key to limit the effects of climate transformation. "This is very important. If we want to take something, then carbonic gas emissions will need to have a high price, and it forces us to move toward an industry that produces less carbon emissions, "said Paçauri further.It also means the renunciation of power generation with gas, coal and oil burning which has the effect of a large amount of carbon dioxide. A truth that not everyone is willing to listen. Therefore oil producer, Saudi Arabia, was one of the major inhibitors in the negotiations for the adoption of the report.Germany seeks two degrees of coolingThe German delegation would have liked to be formulated intention to reduce global warming to a maximum 2 degrees. But now that states should decide on World Climate Conference in Bali, so the Secretary of State for Environment, Michael Muller (Michael Muller), who headed the German delegation: "Today we have measured a global warming of 0.8 degrees. We have a climate system, whose passage inhibitor lasts nearly 4 decades. So, today we can not evade it a heat of 1.4 or 1.5 degrees. The only thing, which you can try is to take measures to curb the bottom 0.5 to 2 degrees target, "says Muller.Leave it to transformation, which hosts the worldOnly thus could limit the inevitable consequences of climate transformation. Otherwise there is a danger that confronts paprituara events and contingencies, which could not turn back. Chief of the World Climate Council, Raxhendra Paçauri, notes that not only politics, but also individuals responsible: "I want to close with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi," he said at the conclusion of the presentation of the report. "Leave it to transformation, that hosts the world "- we need a new ethic, where each individual recognizes the importance of the challenge ahead, and become active to confront him, changing lifestyle and behavior and attitude."


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