Wednesday, May 8, 2013

According to a report last month, on the road only has milk mese 2 billion planets similar to Earth.
Apparently our galaxy is very populated with the excess previously thought.
A recent study conducted by the laboratory jet engine from NASA Pasadena, California, hipotizon than one in 37 stars (the first one in 70 kosiderohej such) can have planets in their respective orbits.
This means that the Milky Way may have the billion stars similar to our earth, and we think that the whole cataloging heavenly bodies not this life, is also satistikisht, but also practically impossible.
However, the study does not give a clear answer on the question whether or not there is life on another planet.
In fact, Tepeskopi Kepler space, during the last month found that the space has 1,200 possibilities for extraterrestrial life, 68 of which have dimensions of Earth.
Arising nag number above studies give a clear idea about pafundsine of celestial bodies. So far there are known about such 50 billion, and one similar to Earth are a number of immeasurable. Can then be thought that we are the only people in space. According to scientist Joseph Catanzarite, with 2 billion stars similar to Earth, only in the Milky Way, the potential for the presence of life, even the concrete are very intelligent Asja


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